Beach Replenishment

How Glass Benefits Beach Replenishment
A quarter of the world’s beaches are disappearing, and in the United States alone we lose an average of 1-2 feet of our shores per year. A small part of this is due to natural erosion, but the larger culprit is mining, dredging, and mass consumption. Simply put, we are using sand faster than the earth can make it.
SiONEER glass powder can be used not only to replenish our shores and create new eco-friendly beaches for humans and marine life

Key Benefits of Using SiONEER Glass Powder for Beach Replenishment:
- Replenish both public and private beaches, preserve marine life habitats, and create new shores with a clean and safe sand alternative
- Contains all the physical characteristics of sand, behaving just like natural and organic beach sand
- Marine animals, like sea turtles, are able to build nests, lay eggs, and hatch their young with no adverse effects
- Eliminates landfill space by creating an environmentally friendly alternative to dredging
Preserving Our Vital Resources
Sand is one of the most sought after resources on the planet, and only behind air and water, is the third most utilized natural resource in the world. Outside of the ocean and marine life, the role sand plays in our daily lives often goes without much thought, however it’s importance cannot be overstated.
The average home requires over 200 tons of sand to build, and as the most common aggregate used in concrete, it comprises 60-75% of the average concrete mixture. Sand powers most electronics and is found in microchips, and is even used to create lithium-ion batteries that can power electric vehicles. It can also be found in our every day items such as toothpaste and beer bottles.
From our oceans and beaches, to our roads, homes and construction, to even technology and electronics, sand is an integral part of the world around us.
Finding a Safe Alternative to Dredging
400,000 cubic meters of sand can be dredged from just 1 vessel per day. This may seem like an easy fix to mining new sand, but it is actually creating a bigger problem. We are running out of sand because of dredging, and it is no longer a solution, but one of the major causes of our disappearing beaches, mass river floods, and the loss of millions of aquatic animals.
All ocean and river floors are coated in a thin layer of sand. This floor is home to microorganisms and plants, which are the base of the marine life food chain. When that sand is dredged, and the microorganisms and plants are disrupted and killed, the food chain falls apart. As metals and toxins are brought to the surface and dumped in other locations, entire ecosystems are wiped out as animals struggle to adapt to their new surroundings.
Applications Benefiting In The Sand Replenishment Industry:

Replenish Public Beaches
In Florida alone 90% of the beaches are progressively disappearing. Replenish and restore our nation’s public beaches with a safe, eco-friendly alternative that feels and acts like beach sand.

Restore Private Beaches
Restore previously established beaches or create your own private oasis with glass powder that is completely clean, safe, and looks pristine. For hotels, resorts, beach clubs, or your own backyard.

Preserve Marine Life
Sand is the common link between all marine life. Without it, animals quickly die out and become extinct. As glass is made from sand, breaking it down converts it back to a form of its natural state, creating a smooth transition for animals as their habitats are replenished and saved.
Recommended Products:
- Medium 20/40 mesh
- Fine 40/70 mesh
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