
Bottle and Fiberglass Manufacturing

How Glass Benefits The Bottle and Fiberglass Manufacturing Industry 

SiONEER is proud to provide glass cullet and furnace feedstock to top bottle and fiberglass manufacturers across the country. Our cullet can be repurposed to make glass bottles and packaging for a wide variety of markets including beer, wine, spirits, non-alcoholic beverages, pharmaceuticals, tableware, and more. As glass is pure, non-reactive, and safe to use over and over again, it acts as the perfect natural barrier being almost impermeable to oxygen, keeping foods and beverages fresh.

Cullet can be used not only in the container and bottle industry, but also for flat (or float glass) like windows, mirrors, and automobile windshields. The use of cullet in fiberglass manufacturing includes building insulation, or glass wool, and textile fibers for the reinforcement of plastics and other materials. Fiberglass can be used in car bodies, boats, insulation in homes, waterpark slides, and even furniture.

Currently, 10-40% of raw materials used by fiberglass insulation manufacturers is recycled glass. The fiberglass sector is the largest secondary market for post consumer and industrial waste glass. SiONEER is pleased to contribute to this market and provide our customers with an energy efficient, recycled glass product that meets all required specifications of both the bottle and fiberglass industry standards.

Benefits of SiONEER Glass Cullet:

  • Optically color sorted, cleaned, and furnace-ready
  • Premium glass larger than 3/8 of an inch
  • Reduces waste and raw materials while increasing the efficiency of the melting process
  • Requires approximately 10% less energy to heat the molten state compared to virgin raw materials
  • Meets all required specifications of industry standards
Ashphalt Replacement

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Bricks, Blocks and Pavers

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Etiam et facilisis lectus, eget vehicula elit. Aenean lorem ipsum, tincidunt sit amet laoreet ut, tempor sit amet leo. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean viverra mollis dignissim. Sed interdum efficitur lacus, ac pretium orci semper et.

View Ashpalt Replacement Application
Cement Replacement

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Etiam et facilisis lectus, eget vehicula elit. Aenean lorem ipsum, tincidunt sit amet laoreet ut, tempor sit amet leo. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean viverra mollis dignissim. Sed interdum efficitur lacus, ac pretium orci semper et.

View Ashpalt Replacement Application

Applications Benefiting In The Bottle and Fiberglass Manufacturing Industry:


Premium recycled glass larger than 3/8 of an inch that is color sorted and meets all specifications of bottle and fiberglass manufactures.

Furnace Feedstock

Cleaned, optically sorted, and furnace ready glass that uses approximately 10% less energy to heat the molten state compared to virgin raw materials.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sagittis velit turpis, vel ornare ante tincidunt et. Duis ac velit efficitur, ultrices nulla sit amet, tincidunt dolor. Etiam laoreet porta mauris, a vulputate odio luctus ut. Suspendisse quis urna nec enim varius luctus at gravida turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Proin consequat lacus eu justo accumsan fermentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sagittis velit turpis, vel ornare ante tincidunt et. Duis ac velit efficitur, ultrices nulla sit amet, tincidunt dolor. Etiam laoreet porta mauris, a vulputate odio luctus ut. Suspendisse quis urna nec enim varius luctus at gravida turpis.

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