

How Glass Benefits The Construction Industry: 100 Year Concrete

With our national infrastructure crumbling and needing to be rebuilt, there is a major movement throughout the United States to develop better, more durable concrete. It is a scientific fact that the only way to have a more durable concrete is to add a pozzolan to the mix. Fly ash from coal burning power plants has been the most common pozzolan used for the past 10 to 15 years. However as the U.S. moves away from coal, and with the development of “clean coal” plants, a shortage of fly ash has developed. This is a major problem for the concrete and construction industries, and for the government entities responsible for building infrastructure.

SiONEER has a unique process for treating and processing recycled glass that produces a pozzolan product that out performs fly ash and other pozzolans on the market. Our glass powder pozzolan, Centurion, is not only universal, and well suited for a  variety of construction applications, but is more consistent in its qualities and performance than fly ash – which is a by product of coal fired power plants and, as a result, can vary in its qualities and performance even when coming from the same plant.

Key Benefits of Using Glass in Construction:

  • Long term infrastructure savings due to 100 year concrete
  • 20-40% cement replacement
  • Increase compresive strength and durability of concrete
  • Resistant to freeze-thaw cycle, chlorine, and water
  • Mitigates ASR (Alkali-Silica Reaction)
  • Clean Fly Ash replacement

OSHA Regulations: Protecting Workers from Silica Exposure

According to CPWR (The Center for Construction Research and Training) construction workers are most likely to work with crystalline silica out of any industry, and are at the highest risk. When they use power tools to cut, grind, core, or drill concrete or masonry, they are likely to be surrounded by clouds of silica dust. Inhaling crystalline silica can cause lung diseases such as silicosis (a scarring of the lungs), pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), as well as cancer.

OSHA estimates 2.3 million workers are exposed to crystalline silica, with 2 million of them in the construction industry alone.

As recently as September 23, 2017, OSHA began enforcing its most aggressive of provisions of the standard for construction corning crystalline silica. Protect your business from costly fines and more importantly your workers from toxic exposure by using recycled glass pozzolan in your concrete mixture. 

SiONEER products are made from 100% recycled glass amorphous silica, which is harmless to humans when used in industrial applications.

Advantages For Workers and The Environment:

  • Made from 100% Post-Consumer Recycled Glass
  • Reduces the risk of silicosis, lung cancer, and COPD
  • Eliminates exposure to heavy metals in concrete
  • Reduces Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Applications Benefiting In The Construction Industry:

Bricks, Blocks, and Pavers

Optimum filler in the production of bricks, blocks, pavers, and cement products with the added benefit of increased compressive strength.

Glass Pozzolan

SiONEER’s Centurion makes for a highly reactive pozzolan that when added to a concrete mix results in ultra high-strength, longer lasting concrete.

Cement Replacement

Replace up to 40% of your cement mixture for enhanced durability, chlorine permeability, suppression of ASR, and ultra high strength concrete.

Roofing Granules

Enjoy long term savings on a high quality mineral product that serves as the optimal aggregate in asphalt and roofing mixes. 

Glass Pozzolan

SiONEER glass powder makes for a highly reactive pozzolan that when added to a concrete mix results in ultra high-strength, longer lasting concrete.

View Glass Pozzolan Application
Bricks, Blocks, and Pavers

Cement Replacement

Roofing Granules

Informational Sheet(s)
GHG Emission Reduction Methodology
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